
Stress and Rest: The Building Blocks for Success

Stress and Rest: The Building Blocks for Success

Everyone is on their own journey to succeed at what they value or enjoy the most. For some that is sports, for others it's business, for you and me, that's creating music.

In each of these domains there are always those top performers, the people who have achieved more and at a greater rate than us mere mortals.

And there are numerous reasons for this: education, time, money, resources, geography, biology etc. Any and all of these factors can play a role in how well you succeed at a given task.

But there is one thing that unites all those who make it further than the rest. They all use the same, simple formula:

Stress + Rest = Growth

They take on the challenges that make them uncomfortable (stress) and then follow those challenges with recovery and reflection (rest). Then they simply rinse and repeat this process with ever greater challenges.

And the result? Continual growth.

But there is a fine balance to be struck if you are to use this formula successfully. Too much stress and not enough rest leads to burnout or even illness. Not enough stress and too much rest means complacency and stagnation.

I know from personal experience that I have reached both extremes at numerous times throughout my life and with different endeavors, and neither is fun. So tread that line carefully and be conscious of how you are feeling.

Seek Out Stress

If we want to become better at anything, be that songwriting, performing or producing, we need to stress ourselves and push beyond our current limits.

We all have a comfort zone and feel uneasy when we are forced out of it. That's why it's called a comfort zone. But numerous studies show that both our bodies and our brains respond to stress by growing stronger.

Whether it is physical, mental or emotional stress, our bodies naturally rise to the challenge and remain there, as long as the period of stress is followed by adequate rest and recovery.

Now obviously I don't condone pushing yourself beyond your means 24/7 365. That is a sure-fire way to reach burnout. You wouldn't suddenly hit the gym seven days a week if you've only been going once or twice, or go from zero singing practice to 10 hours a day. Your body would be screaming at you, it wouldn't be fun, and above all else, it wouldn't be sustainable!

Instead, you should take on challenges that are just outside your normal comfort zone, ones that stretch you a little, but not a lot. Remember, you want this to be enjoyable and sustainable.

Know When To Rest

It can be too easy to look around at your peers and compare yourself to them and how much they are doing. FOMO is real and it will make you feel like you are never doing enough, that opportunity is somehow slipping by you every day.

When it seems like everyone around you is working endlessly, it’s easy to want to do the same. But pushing too hard and too often (stress without rest) does not lead to growth.

It's a one-way ticket to fatigue and burnout.

Though it may seem like a paradox, it's not actually hard work that is the ultimate key to improvement, it rest. What separates world champion athletes from amateurs and hobbyists, is their courage to know when to rest. And this is not just limited to athletes.

Have you ever noticed how your best musical ideas come to you when you least suspect them? Maybe whilst you are taking a shower or sitting on your porcelain throne. Lin Manuel Miranda, the creator of the musical Hamilton, said it best:

“A good idea doesn’t come when you’re doing a million things. The good ideas come in the moment of rest. It comes in the shower. It comes when you’re doodling or playing trains with your son. It’s when your mind is on the other side of things.”

Observe Your Growth

The final key to consistent growth is reflection. Taking time to observe your own path and reflect on what got you to this point is incredibly powerful.

You can see if the challenges you are setting yourself are too large or too small if you are taking enough rest in between and if they are pushing you in the right direction or not.

You don't want to be putting yourself in uncomfortable situations to then find out it's not actually benefiting you. Keeping your goals in mind will help you choose the right path.


Now you know the formula for consistent growth I hope you are going to implement it. It's one thing to read an idea, but actually actioning it and implementing it is where the magic happens. What good is having knowledge if you are not going to use it? I hope you can apply this formula to your own life and work to get the best out of yourself and your time on this earth.

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